LPF Press Release  

LPF Can Help | G.I. Bill Veterans

Reimbursement For LPQ and LPC Exams

The Loss Prevention Foundation with the United States Department of Veteran Affairs, recently approved G.I. Bill financial assistance for both the LPQualified(LPQ) and the LPCertified(LPC) exams. A combined savings of $550. If you are a veteran and are eligible for G.I.Bill benefits, then follow these simple steps to obtain reimbursement for your exam fee(s).

  1. Visit: http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/licensing_certification.asp
    1. Ensure your benefits are available.
    2. Read the VA Licensing and Certification Pamphlet: http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/docs/pamphlets/lc_brochure.pdf
    3. Apply for benefits along with your request for payment for a test or tests. Complete the VA Form 22-0803(Application for Reimbursement of Licensing or Certification Test) at the Ask A Question website or mail it to your nearest VA regional processing office.
  2. VA Form 22-0803
    1. (Block 7): The specific names for the LPQ or the LPC exam
    2. (Block 8): You enter this information here:
      1. The Loss Prevention Foundation
        700 Matthews Mint Hill Road, Suite C
        Matthews, NC 28105
        Phone: (866) 433-5545
    3. (Block 9): Enter your exam result:
      1. Date Taken: MM/DD/YYYY
      2. Result: PASS (Fails do not get money)
    4. (Block 10): Enter the exam cost:
      1. i. LPQ is $250
      2. ii. LPC is $300
  3. Submit your completed form to your regional VA regional processing office.
    Your money will come to you when the VA has completing its processing. To check your status, call your regional center. The LPF will not know the status.